Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What title would you give this chapter and why?

Think about the chapter and what main events occur. If you were to give the chapter a title, what would it be? Write an explanation about why you chose that title.


  1. I think this title should be called


  2. Chapter One "How It All Began"

    I named Chapter one, "How It All Began" because the whole chapter explains how Jean Louise, and Jem's life started to go awry and how Maycomb County began.It incorperates not just the characters but the setting as well, and i think that is unique.

    ~Caitlyn Rogers

  3. Chapter 1- Maycomb County

    I picked this name because chapter 1 describes life in Maycomb county and it describes the people of Maycomb county

  4. I think chapter 3 should be called or labeled payback because scout catches walter cunningham in the schoolyard after she got in trouble for trying to help him. ZL

  5. Chapter 1- "Meeting Maycomb"

    I named Chapter 1, "Meeting Maycomb" because they were telling how everyone lived and how they all dealt with events that happened.

  6. Chapter 1-"The Witch"

    I would call the second chapter this because it talks about Scouts first day of school and her encounter with Miss Caroline, who is a young red-headed teacher who told Scout to stop having her father teach her. Scout doesn't like Miss Caroline at all an lets her dad know. SC

  7. Chapter 1- "The Beginning"
    I picked this title for this chapter because this is where it all starts. The main characters and the setting are introduced in this chapter.


  8. Chapter 1- "Radleys"

    I named the chapter this because the chapter introduces the Radley family and everyone is talking about them. The chapter describes who they are and what they are about.

  9. Chapter 4- "Boo"

    I think Chapter 4 should be called "Boo" becuase in Chapter 4, Jem, Dill, and Scout play a game copying the actions of Boo Radley and the kids try to lure Boo out of his house.

  10. Chapter 1 - "New Start"

    I picked this title because chapter 1 is about getting to know all the characters. They meet/know people like Boo Radley, Dill, Scout, Jem, Atticus, Calpurnia. Nathan Radley, and many more. This is a new start for the narrator because she gets to know everybody.


  11. Chapter 2 - "Bad Day"

    Chapter 2 should be called "Bad Day" because it is about Scout's first day of school. She thought it was going to be really fun but turned out to be the worst day. Miss Caroline even told Scout she can't read anymore which hurt Scout a lot and made her day even worse.


  12. Chapter 2- "The First Day"

    I chose this name for chapter 2 because it talks about Scout's first day of school. It also says how she was excited to go but then after the day was over, she never wanted to go back.

  13. Chapter 1 should be called Flashback because the story starts in the present and Scout flashes back to all how it started.

  14. I think Chapter 1 should be called Maycomb because Scout describes all of the different families in Maycomb County and how the town is small, hot, and there's absolutely nothing to do there.

    -Cassie Sp.

  15. Chapter 3- "Schhol Problems"
    I chose this title because chapter 3 talks about how Scout gets into trouble at school. Also, in this chapter, it explains the problems that Miss Caroline had on her first day of teaching in Maycomb.

  16. Chapter 4 should be called Finishing it off because schools ending and so is the knot hole where scout finds and chews the pieces of gum. ZAK

  17. Chapter 2 "Miss. Caroline"

    I named chapter two Miss.Caroline because the whole chapter talks about, this young, rude, and unknowing teacher who knows nothing about the town or townsfolk. And she is all throughout the chapter!!!!!!!

    ~Caitlynnnn Rogerssss

  18. Chapter 2 should be called Ignorance Isn't Bliss because in this chapter Scout starts school with a teacher completely oblivious to the ways of Maycomb County, which inevitably leads to Scout being mistreated, as well as the other kids.

    -Cassie Sp.

  19. Chapter 6- "Shotgun+

    I think chapter 6 should be called "Shotgun" because Mr. Radley comes out with a shotgun to scare away Dill, Jem, and Scout when they were sneaking around on his porch.

  20. Chapter 2 should be called School because its scouts first year going to school. ZAK

  21. chapter 2- "School"

    I named this chapter "School" because it was the first day of school and the whole chapter talks about the first day of school and all the horrors it was.

  22. Chapter 4- "Summertime Fun"
    I chose this title for chapter 4 because it explains how thte kids played and what they did do have fun in the summer.

  23. Chapter 3 - "Cunninghams"

    I wold name this chapter "Cunninghams" becuase the chapter exlains Scouts day at school when Walter Cunningham had no money. When scout tried to explain to Miss Caroline why, Scout got whipped. but after school Walter came home with Jem and Scout and ate at there house. Scout acted rudley untill Atticus and Calpurnia explained why and what a cunningham really is.


  24. Chapter 2- "First Day of Horror"

    I named this chapter two "First Day of Horror" because it was Scout's first day of school and he didn't want to go at all. He wanted to stay home so he wouldn't miss anyone at home.
    -Thoughts from Sydney

  25. Chapter 5- "A Boring Summer's Day"
    I chose this title because the chapter talks about how Scout felt excluded from the boys and how she sat with Miss Atkinson on her porch almost everyday.


  26. Chapter 2- "School"

    I think chapter 2 should be called "School" because chapter 2 is about Scout's first day of school and the challenges she faces. KG

  27. Chapter 3- "I'm Not Going"

    This is a good title for this chapter because Scout keeps telling her dad she does not want to go back to that horrible place. She is begging her dad to let her stay home, and is saying she is not going.

  28. Chapter 1-"The Beginning"
    I named chapter 1 "The Beginning" because it introduces the reader to Jem and Scout. It also breifly shows you Maycomb county and the slow lifestyle. In this chapter, Jem and Scout meet Dill, which is the start of a friendship.

  29. Chapter 5 should be labeled Miss. Maudie and Boo Radley i think this because Scout hangs out with Miss. Maudey and Jem and Dill try to find a way to get Boo Radley to come out.

  30. Chapther Three " Teachers Time To Learn"

    I named chapter three teachers time to learn because Ms. Caroline learns all about the town and people, and learns to not mess with the Ewells and i think that everyone else in town will soon realize that...

    thoughts from... Caitlynn Rogerss!!!!!

  31. Chapter 6- "Another Failed Attempt"
    I chose this title because the kids try to get "Boo" to come out again but this time Jem almost gets shot and the kids almost get in trouble.


  32. Chapter four "Finders Keepers Loser Weepers"

    I named this chapter finders keepers losers weepers because Jean and Jem keep finding things hidden up in a tree and take, and use or eat what they find.

    Thoughts From.....Caitlyn Rogerss

  33. Chapter five "True Friends and Mixed Mischief"

    I named this chapter this because Jean is feeling exculuded so she spends her summer with an old woman on her street. And later on Jem, Jean, and Dill try to leave Boo Radley a note but Atticus ends up catching them, hence the mixed mischief...

    Thoughs From.....Caitlyn Rogerssss

  34. Chapter six "Strip Poker"

    Even though the whole chapter is not based around this little thing that didin't even happen, this one little game that Jem says saves the kids from a whole lot of hurt.

    Thoughts From The Brilliant Mind:) of....Caitlyn Rogerss

  35. Chapter 3- "Citizens and Characters"

    Chapter 3 is about the people and charcters of Maycomb and it describes all of the unique people that inhabit Maycomb

  36. chapter 5- "Getting His Attention:

    This is a good titile because throughout this chapter they were trying to see boo and make him come out of the house, they really wanted to see him.

  37. Chapter 5- "Neighbors"

    Chapter 5 should be called neighbors because it tells the story of Scout going and having a deep conversation with her neighbor, Miss Maudie. KRG

  38. chapter 6- "Let's Go"

    This is a good title because they want to go to Boo Radleys house and they say lets go find him. It was about going to his house and what will happen.

  39. Chapter 7- "Knote Hole"

    In this chapter Jem and Scout kept finding things in the knot hole in the tree. the whole chapter is about there findings and at the end it gets cemented by Radley.

  40. Chapter 8- "When It Snowed"

    This chapter talks about how it snowed for the first time. when the snow started everything bad started happening, Atticus said it was becaus eof Jem and Scouts bad behavior.

  41. Chapter 7- "The Tree"

    In this chaptr, Jem and Scout find many hidden items in a tree by the Radley house and they wonder who hides all the gifts in there.

  42. Chapter 8- "Snow fire"

    Chapter 8 has many intersting events. There's the first snowfall in Maycomb since 1885 and there's a fire at Miss Maudie's house.

  43. Chapter 9- "Christmas"

    In chapter 9, it's Christmas time in Maycomb and the Finches go to Finch Landing to celebrate with the rest of the family.

  44. Chapter 10- "Deadest shot"

    Atticus in described as the "deadest shot" in Maycomb county and he proves that by putting down Tim Johnson.

  45. Chapter 11- "Mrs. Dubose"

    This chapter mainly describes how Jem has encounters with Mrs. Dubose and how he reads to her just before she dies. KG

  46. Chapter 7- "That Night"

    I chose this title for the chapter because in it, Jem gives Scout all of the details that happened on the night he went to go get his pants from the Radley House.

  47. Chapter 8- "Fire and Ice"

    I chose this title because in the beginning of the chapter, it explains how there is the first snowfall in Maycomb since 1885. By the end of the chapter, it explains how Miss Maudie's house caught on fire and burned down.


  48. Chapter 9- "Cecil Jacobs"

    I believe the title for this chapter should be "Cecil Jacobs" because throughout the chapter, Scout is forced to hang out with her cousin whom she doesn't like. He then gets her into a lot of trouble by talking bad about Atticus.


  49. Chapter 10- "Discovering the Unknown"

    I chose this title because in this chapter, Scout and Jem find out of the many different skills that their father had, but they never knew about.


  50. Chapter 11- "Mrs. Dubose"

    In this chapter, it mostly talks about Mrs. Dubose and how she had Jem read to her everyday for a month. Also, in the end of the chapter, Mrs. Dubose dies and gives Jem a gift to show her apprectation towards him.


  51. Chapter 11 "Mrs Dubose"

    This chapters talks about her and the whole chapter is about what happens to her and what happens with jem and her.

  52. chapter 10- "Mr. Deadshot"

    This chapter was about the mad dog that Cal was warning everyone about, and then Atticus had to shoot it, and he used to be called DeadShot.

  53. Chaptahh Thrayy should be called "Commotion at School" because the student Burris Ewell had a somewhat cootie crawl out of his hair and the teacher excused him from the room and as leaving he made enough vicious remarks to make her cry.

    Thoughts from Sydney

  54. Chaptahhh Sevahnn " Bye Bye Giving Tree"

    I named chapter seven this because the chapter is about how Jean and Jem keep getting presents out of a knothole of a tree, but Mr. Radley fills it in with cement.

  55. Chaptahh Four should be called "Having Fun in the Summer" because they were all playing a tire game after school ended and they discovered a tinfoil piece in the Radley's yard. The tinfoil turned out to be a wad of gum and afterall they were wondering if the tire game was a good idea because they all kept on rolling into the Radley yard.

    Thoughts from Sydney

  56. Chaptahh Eiightt " How the snow melts and Thanking Boo"

    I named chapter eight this because the fire in the neighborhood melts snow and Boo give Jean a blanket without her knowing.

    Thoughts From The Glorious Mind of....
    ~Caitlynn Rogerss

  57. Chaotahh Niine "No more fighting? Yeah Right!"

    I named chapter nine this because Atticus asks Jean not to fight anymore but she ends up fighting after she promised him that she wouldn't.

    Genius Thoughts From.....
    ~Caitlynn Rogerss

  58. Chaptahh Tinn " One Shot Secrets"

    I named chapter ten this because Atticus has to shoot this old dog, and he gets him with one clear shot and then the sheriff starts to imply about his past with guns but Atticus shushes him up. So the secret is why is Atticus so good with guns?

    Thoughts from the AMAZING mind of......
    ~Caitlynn Rogerss

  59. Chapter five should be called "Around the Neighborhood" because Jem and Scout wanted to meet Boo Radley one day and decided to try to not get caught and place a note for him in the shutter but then Atticus catches them and they walk back home to dinner.

    Thoughts from Sydney

  60. Chaptahh Six shall be called "Where's the Radley Boy" because Jem and Dill and Scout following behind wanted to peek into the house but then saw a shadow and a loud shotgun go off behind them and escaped fast but still never found Boo at all.

    Thoughts from Sydney

  61. I think Chaptahh 7 shall be called "The Mysterious Hidden Items" because on the way home from school they've been seeing all these items hung up on the fence or in the trees and were wondering who did it.

    Thoughts from Sydney.

  62. Chapter 4 - "Suspicion"

    This chapter describes how Scput and then Jem find things in the knot tree. Suspicion runs throigh their mind even thinking its someone's hiding place.


  63. Chapter 5 - "Arthur"

    Chapter 5 should be called Arthur because when Dill and Jem start to ignore Scout she goes to hang out with Miss Maudie who tells her the real story of Mr. Arthur Radley (his name is not Boo as Scout thought).


  64. Chapter 6 - "Anxiety"

    This chapter describes how when Scout, Jem, and Dill go to Boo Radley's house Jem looses his pants after Boo shot at him. Later that night at 2 a.m. Jem leaves his house to retrieve his pants. When he gets home and lays on his bed Scout can hear his cot trembling.


  65. Chapter 7 - "Confusion"

    This chapter describes Jem and Scout finding more items in the knot tree. After Jem and Scout left a note in the tree the next day it was filled with cement. When Mr.Radley said he filled it because the tree was dying, and Atticus said the tree was as healty as could be Jen and Scout were confused.


  66. Chapter 8 - "World's End"
    At the beginning of the story it snowed for the first time in Maycomb since 1885.When Scout first saw the snow she screamed and then said " The world's endin," but really Atticus just told her no its snowing.

  67. Chapter 9 - "Finch's Landing"

    This chapter describes how it is Christmas in Maycomb and how Scout, Jem, and Atticus get together with Uncle Jack and the rest of their family every year at Finch's Landing.


  68. Chapter 10 - "Sins"

    In this chapter Scout and Jem have their air-riffles and Atticus wouldn't teach then to shoot because they can shoot anything but it is a sin to kill a mockingbird.


  69. Chapter 3 "Your Turn"
    This chapter mainly speaks about Scout telling Miss Caroline about the people of Maycomb.

  70. Chapter 5 "What a Brother"
    Jem rolls Scout down a hill in a tire and she ends up in the Radleys front yard.

  71. Chapter 4 "Treasure"
    In this chapter, Scout finds gum in a knothole in a tree.

  72. Chapter 11 - "Neighborhood Hate"

    I would call this chapter Neighborhood Hate becasue in this chapter the character Mrs. Dubose in introduced into the story and it explains why Jem hates her so much.


  73. Chapter 6 "Close Call"
    In this chapter, Jem gets his pants stuck on the Radleys fence and gets shot at by Boo Radley.

  74. Chapter 7 "Round Two"
    This chapter talks about Scout entering grade 2 and how she hates it more than first grade.

  75. Chapter 8 "Winter Fire"
    This chapter tells you how Miss Maudies house catches fire and how Boo Radley puts a blanket over Sscout.

  76. Chapter 9 "Fight,Fight,Fight"
    In this chapter Scout gets in a fight with Cecil Jacobs because Cecil says that Atticus defends niggers. Atticus is also asked to defend Tom Robinson, who was accused of raping a white woman.

  77. Chapter 10 "What a Shot"
    This chapter tells the reader about how Atticus shoots a mad dog from a distance, giving him the nickname "One Shot Finch".

  78. Chapter 11 "Irony"
    In this part of the story, Mrs. Dubose tells Jem and scout that Atticus isn't better than any of the niggers and trash he works for. In anger, Jem destroys her camellia bushes, but is forced to read to Mrs. Dubose as punishment. A month later, mrs. Dubose dies and Jem was given a single white camellia.

  79. Chapter 12- "A New Jem"
    In this chapter, Scout exaplains how Jem has changed as he got older and he is like a totally new person.


  80. Chapter 13- "Aunty's Here...To Stay"
    This chapter talks about how Aunt Alexandria "moves in" with the Finch's because she believes Scout needs to become more like a woman.

  81. Chapter 14- "Dill Returns"
    In this chapter, Dill returns to Maycomb because he claims that his parents keep ignoring him.

  82. Chapter 15- "The Mob"
    During this chapter, a "mob" first comes to Atticus's house and then another mob confronts him while he is sitting in front of the county jail.

  83. Chapter 16- "Court"
    This chapter talks about how the people of Maycomb get ready for the trial of Tom Robinson. It says how before his trial, they were all sitting outside the courthouse eating and talking. It also talks about how they had to walk into the courtroom before the trial began.

  84. Chapter 17- "The Trial"
    I chose this title because in this chapter, it mostly talks about how Tom Robison's trial began.

  85. Chapter 18- "Mayella's Turn"
    I chose this title because during this chapter, it explains Mayella Ewell's side on what really happened to her. While stating her side though, she seems to second guess herself a lot.

  86. Chapter 19- "Tom's Side"
    During this chapter, it explains Tom Robinson's side of the story. His story is almost completely opposite of Mayella Ewell's point of view of what really happened.

  87. Chapter 20- "Mr. Raymod Explains"
    I chose this title because in this chapter, Mr. Raymond explains everything to Dill and Scout about his life and what he kept secret. When the kids ask him why he is telling them this, the explains that they are only kids and they can understand what he is saying better than adults can.


  88. Chapter 21- "A Trial Lost"
    i chose this title because in this chapter, Atticus loses the trial against Mr. Ewell. The reason for losing this trial is not because Atticus is a bad lawyer, it was because Tom Robinson was a black man fighting a white man.

  89. Chapter 23- "Four Types Of People"
    I chose this title because in the end of the chapter, Scout and Jem are talking about the four types of people, ordinary people, the Cunningham's, the Ewells, and the Negros.

  90. Chapter 24- "Good-Bye Tom"
    I named this chapter "Good-Bye Tom" because during this chapter, Tom Robinson tries to escape from jail and he is shot seventeen times and killed.

  91. Chapter 12- "First Purchase"

    Chapter 12 should be called First Purchase because it describes Jem and Scout's time at Calpurnia's church, First Purcase.

  92. Chapter 25- "Roly-Poly"
    I chose this name because Scout tries to kill a roly-poly bug that she sees but Jem tells her not to. He told her this because he said the bug didnt do anything to her. This bug relates to Tom Robinson also. Tom didnt do anything bad to anyone but he was still killed.

  93. Chapter 26- "Miss Gates's Lecture"
    I chose this title because in this chapter, Scout's teacher, Miss Gates, gives her class a lecture on Hitler and the bad things he did. Then, Scout is wondering why Miss Gates thinks Hitler is bad but is still glad when Tom Robinson is dead.

  94. Chapter 13- "Aunt Alexandra's influence"

    Chapter 13 is about Jem and Scout's Aunt Alexandra trying to change Jem and Scout's lives to live more like a Finch.

  95. Chapter 27- "Folliwong Helen"
    In this capter, Bob Ewell begins to follow Helen Robinson around town and whisper mean things to her from a safe distance. One day, Mr. Link Deas sees Bob Ewell doing this and threatens to have him arrested so he stops.


  96. Chapter 28- "The Attack"
    In this chapter, Jem and Scout were walking home from a Halloween party at school and Bob Ewell attacks them both. Jem comes out of the fight unconcious and with a broken arm. Bob Ewell is now dead from the fight.


  97. Chapter 14- "Twists"

    There are many twists in chapter 14, Dill is discovered under Scout's bed and Aunt Alexandra is trying to get rid of Calpurnia.

  98. Chapter 29- "Boo Radley Appears"
    In this chapter, Scout retells the story of what happened when she and Jem were attacked. As she talks about the person who carried Jem home she realizes that it was Boo Radley.


  99. Chapter 30- "Isn't It Ironic"
    I chose this name because in this chapter, Atticus and Mr. Heck Tate try and decide if Bob Ewell's death was by accident or on purpose, even though they both know what really happened. It is ironic that Bob Ewell was killed because he was the reason Tom Robinson was out in jail and killed even though Tom was innocent.


  100. Chapter 31- "In His Shoes"
    In this chapter, after Scout and Boo say goodnight to Jem, Scout walks Boo Radley home. When Scout walks into Boo's house, she sees life how he sees it, which is what Atticus always told her to do.


  101. Chapter 15- "Nearing the trial"

    The trial of Tom Robinson is getting close and Atticus and a group of other men try to prepare for it while Scout, Dill, and Jem show up. Only to be sent home. KG

  102. Chapter 16- "The Robinson Case"

    The trial of Tom Robinson starts in Chapter 16 and the deatails of the courthouse seating are described. KG

  103. Chapter 17- "Guilty?"

    Tom Robinson's side of the story is looking pretty shady in Chapter 17, he looks to be guilty... KG

  104. Chapter 18- "Innocent?"

    Things are looking better for Tom in this chapter. His left hand was damaged so how could he have hit Mayella? KG

  105. Chapter 19- "Liar"

    Mayella seemed to be lying about being raped by Tom. If anything Tom should be pressing the rape charges and Bob got angry at Mayella and probably beat her. KG

  106. Chapter 20-"Pick a side"

    Both sides of the story are unreliable because there really was no witnesses so you'd have to pick a side to agree with, there's really no evidence. KG

  107. Chapter 21- "Convicted"

    Tom Robinson gets convicted of raping Mayella Ewells. KG

  108. Chapter 22- "Racial Differences"

    The trial verdict could have been based on racial differences. But Miss Maudie says the trial proved that the racial equality is strengthening. KG

  109. Chapter 23- "Fairness"

    The trial might have been influenced by the fact that the jury was all white and Tom was black and Aunt Alexandra agress with that but Scout doesn't. KRG

  110. Chapter 25- "Change"

    Jem's attitude starts to change since he learned of the death of Tom Robinson. KRG

  111. Chapter 26-" Hippocrite"

    Scout's new teacher Miss Gates talked about the Holocaust and Hitler killing the Jews and how it's wrong yet she supported the guilty verdict of Tom Robinson. KRG

  112. Chapter 27- "Stalking"

    Bob Ewell holds a grudge against everyone in the case against Tom Robinson and he starts to stalk Helen Robinson. KG

  113. Chapter 28- "The Attack"

    In this chapter, Jem and Scout get attacked on the way home from a Halloween party at school and Jem gets his arm broken. Atticus later finds out that Bob Ewell is dead. KRG

  114. Chapter 30-"Let the dead bury the dead."

    the death of Bob Ewell was most likely cause by Boo Radley. Bob had Tom killed so Boo had Bob killed. KG

  115. Chapter 31- "Most People Are Real Nice"

    Scout tells Atticus of her Appreciation to Boo Radley. KRG

  116. Chapter 12- "Accusation"

    This chapter describes when calpurnia takes scout and Jem to a colored church that Scout finds out that Tom Robinson had been accused by Bob Ewell and cannot understand why anyonewould believe the Ewells word.


  117. Chapter 13- "aunts"

    This chapter descrines that aunt Alexandra comes to give Scout and Jem a "feminine influence". She even told Atticus to lecture Scout and Jem on there ancestry but winds up making Scout cry.


  118. Chapter 14- "suprise"

    This chapter describes that after Atticus sends Scout to her room she finds Dill hiding under her bed. She soon tells atticus and he gives Dill food. But before Dill goes next dorr to Miss Rachels he climbs into Jem's bed to sleep.


  119. Chapter 15- "disgrace"

    This chapter describes that Aunt Alexandra accused Atticus of brining disgrace to the family. But Atticus doesn't listen and soon goes off in the night to be caught sitting in front of the jail by Jem, Scout, and Dill.


  120. Chapter 16- "Trial day"

    This chapter describes that on the trial day eberyone goes except Miss Maudie. Even Scout, Jem, and Dill try to get in but waited too long. So they ended up sitting in the balcony where the colored sat.


  121. Chapter 17- "Bruises"

    This chapter describes the trial and how Bob Ewell accuses Tom Robinson of raping his daughter. In the beginning it says that the bruises left on her were on the right side of her face. HE has the witness write his name. Bob Ewell, the jury sees, is a lef-handed man would more likely leave bruises on the right side of a girls face.


  122. Chapter 18- "truth?"

    This cahpter describes that Atticus pleads with Mayella to admit that there was no rape and that her father beat her because Tom Robinson couldn't have raped/beat her with his usless left hand, which was torn apart by a cotton gin when he was a boy.


  123. chapter 19- "another story"

    This chapter describes Tom Robinsons point of view and how they prove even with a torn arm he would still beat a women.


  124. chapter 20- "racism"

    In this chapter Atticus begs tje jury to aviod the state's assumption that all black people are criminals and deliever justice by freeing Tom.


  125. Chapter 21- "found"
    In this chapter cal gives a note to Atticus saying that his children have not been home and are found in the colored balcony. After going home to eat supper they return to teh court room to find Tom found guilty.


  126. Chapter 22- "Revenge"
    After the children leave Miss Mauide's house Miss Stephanie runsover to tell them that Bob Ewell accosted their father that morning, spat on him, and swore revenge.


  127. Chapter 23- "Alabama"

    This chapter describes that if Tom loses he will go to the electrin chair, as rape is a capital offense in Alabama, a white mans word always beats a black mans.


  128. chapter 24- "Shots"

    In this chapter you find out that Tom was shot seventeen times as he attempted to escape, Atticus leaves with Calpurnia and Scout, Alexandra, and Miss Maudie return to the missionary circle acting as if nothing is wrong.


  129. Chapter 25- "Typical"

    This chapter describes that every one agrees that it is trypical for a balck man to do something so irrattional. Mr.Underwood writes and editorial of Tom as an incocent man.


  130. Chapter 26- "confusion"

    After school starts, Scouts third-grade teacher lectures the class on Hitler and the virtues of equality andf democracy. But Scout is confused because after the trial she said that it was about time someone taught the blacks in toen a lesson.


  131. Chapter 27- " Halloween"

    Scouts School puts on a play which she is taken by Jem because Alexandra and Atticus are too tired. This plan constiutes an attempt to avios teh unsupervised mischeif of the previous Halloween.


  132. Chapter 28- "Attack"
    In this chapter as Scout and Jem are walking home they hear noises behind them. Only to find that Bob Ewell atacks them and ends up Jem with a hurt arm and Bob dead.


  133. Chapter 29- "Realization"
    When Scout goes back to the corner where Jem was picked up she looks and sees a pale with torn clothes and a thim pinched face. She realizes it is Boo Radley.

